We’ve spent our careers at powerful NYC agencies and boutique Cleveland shops. We’ve worked on large stages with established brands and in-the-trenches with challenger brands.

We are agents working on your behalf; watching, thinking and doing to give you a competitive edge. For years clients have expressed that we do things a bit differently and a lot better.



Our Team

Joshua Altman

Founder and Director of Strategy

Josh is the founder of Alt Brand and its lead strategist. In over 25-plus years in the communications business, Josh has worked in brand and marketing, advertising, and public and investor relations. He believes his clients’ brands are his babies. An East Village, NYC transplant in Cleveland, he misses being the mayor of 2nd Avenue between 9th/10th but has grown to love the Land. His wife, kids and Hank make him whole.

Michael Jewell

Creative Director

Michael is a creative director with strong visual, conceptual, and strategic skills honed over twenty years of experience. He is passionate about bringing brands to life and telling their unique story. Michael would be lost without his wife, music, and Shaolin Kung Fu. He thinks Tom Baker is the best Dr. Who and, if it were up to him, the Beastie Boys would be as famous as the Beatles.

Benjamin Diehl

Digital Director

Benjamin is a digital director with a portfolio that spans video production, game design, animation and development for multiple Fortune 500 companies. If there’s a better way to engage audiences, he’s either hot on its trail or using it already. He’s a sci-fi guy that just wants his own secret, underground, testing facility. As he sometimes says, “I have a doctorate in awesome.”


Our Values


Everyone‘s lives are just as complex and crazy as yours, so try to give people a break.


Go as far as needed to make sure clients are confident, comfortable and inspired.


Work towards perfection and be sure to end up at unquestionable excellence.



Take the time to consider your successes and failures as both are stepping stones to improvement.


Treat every person fairly and value each for the special things they add to the mix.


Support personal and professional growth whenever you see an opportunity.